Libra, take every opportunity this August to power down if you can. The cosmic forecast will range from daydreamy to denial—and we won’t judge if you choose the latter! Your ruling planet Venus is retrograde the entire month, along with Saturn, Neptune and Pluto. Translation, you need to slow things down to “late night DJ” speed and tend to your wellbeing and emotional foundations. Not because anything’s wrong, of course, but because the August invitation is clearly to balance out with some well-deserved self-care.

Get ready for some illumination, too! This August will have not one, but two, full moons at either end of the month, both of them supermoons. The first, on August 1, is in Aquarius and your passionate, playful fifth house. Will this mitigate against the Venus retrograde buzzkill on your loclass="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" ve life? Maybe so! The second, a Pisces blue moon, will spotlight health and organization on August 30. Just in time for back-to-school season.

When the Sun slips into Virgo on August 23, it will activate your restful twelfth house of closure, healing and transitions. Normally, this is a time to fold your wings in and tie up loose ends before Libra season. But that SAME day, a pesky three-week Mercury retrograde cycle begins. Also in Virgo, Mercury will backspin through this confusing house, scrambling signals and making it hard to get clear communication out of anyone. 

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You’d normally greet this with patience, but on August 27, energetic and driven Mars will make its once-every-two-years visit to Libra, waking up your inner go-getter. You want answers and you want them now! Well, you might just have to wait until Mercury turns direct on September 15—or better still, a week later when the Sun enters Libra and the fall equinox brings us all back to a more centered place.

Uranus will join the retrograde brigade August 28, starting its annual five-month retrospective. This time, it’s heading through Taurus and your intimate eighth house, upping the odds that someone from the past could make an appearance. 

If you can’t fight the tide, you might as well swim with it, Libra. See these resurfacing people and scenarios as helpful messengers. What is the universe trying to tell you? Quiet your inner (and outer) voice and get interested in finding out.

It’s Leo season until August 23—gather your people!

With the Sun in gregarious Leo and your group activities zone until August 23, your social life is back in full swing. This might just be your favorite part of the season since Libras are often happiest in the company of vibrant people, especially when the atmosphere’s abuzz with stimulating conversations. 

Of course, we have to slap on a warning label about social Venus, which is retrograde in Leo during the entire Leo season. Your ruling planet’s OOO status could cramp your outgoing style as it can stir up friction between friends or add complications, like an Airbnb that looks nothing like the photos or a jealous person trying to start a feud by triangulating members of your crew. It will take extra effort to rise above the drama!

With that advisory in mind, you’ve got three weeks to enjoy this lighthearted transit, so RSVP yes to the summer garden party (and pack an umbrella) or gather your favorite people for some rooftop bar meetups, beach outings and all the memorable moments (but let everyone handle their own tab and transportation). 

The eleventh house rules teamwork, so this is also a great time to bring your colleagues together and to correct any wonky processes or wayward group dynamics. With your idealistic eleventh house aglow, rallying around a shared cause that betters the world might be just the thing. Gather a group of iconoclastic thought leaders to discuss an emerging topic or start a task force at your company to research more sustainable practices. Leo season is the perfect time to do that impact-driven work together. Bonus: It will help ward away the pettiness of Venus retrograde!

The Aquarius full supermoon is on August 1

Summer romance class="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" and fun—in spite of it all? The month opens with the August 1 Aquarius full moon—a potent supermoon that’s determined to energize your playful, sexy fifth house. 

Venus retrograde or not, today could bring an exciting turning point in your love life. Under these creative moonbeams, your talents could be recognized; this full moon could even bring a brush with fame. It will be impossible NOT to express yourself now, and you could have a lovely moment where you feel content and full-hearted, in touch with the joy of being alive. Look back to the January 21 seed-sowing Aquarius new moon for clues about what could manifest now. 

The full spectrum of your emotions can come out under a passionate fifth-house full moon, so take care: Events could get dramatic, and buried emotions could surge to the surface. Maintain that Libra balance when tempers threaten to flare. 

The August 16 Leo new moon activates teamwork and friendship

Group activity gets yet another boost at the Leo new moon on Thursday, August 16. Searching for the perfect collaborators to bring your ideas to the public? Craving the company of a like-minded crew? The Leo new moon could usher in some kindred-spirit connections over the coming two weeks—AND the next six months. 

But don’t sit around waiting to be invited. That public-facing Leo energy encourages you to be proactive and unabashed about promoting your ideas. Seek out-of-the-box thinkers for a new group endeavor or join an existing organization that’s aligned with your mission.

Are you feeling frustrated wiclass="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" th some members of your current crew, whether friends, collaborators or coworkers? This new moon is making close contact with Lilith, the “dark moon” point. Try to clear the air where you’re feeling resentful instead of swallowing your anger or festering in frustration. Keeping that outrage bottled up does nobody any good! You may need to draft “the letter you don’t send” first to get your raw feelings out. Maybe you even ritually burn it. After that, you could be in the space to have an honest, air-clearing and productive conversation.

Another thing to watch: This new moon is challenged by an exact 90-degree square to Uranus, which is in Taurus and your intimate eighth house. Intense emotions, jealousy and possessiveness could infiltrate your inner circle, erupting into drama. One part of you may prefer to keep things casual while another is pulling you into deeper waters. You could be very “come here, now go away” at this new moon (those Libra scales are swinging wildly!), wanting to be close one moment and then suddenly detached. 

What’s really bugging you? You’re craving closeness on your terms: companionship that doesn’t come with a side of control. You want transformational, not transactional, friendships. Notice who in your life “keeps score” or makes you feel obligated. Address the dynamic or start investing in other bonds where the give-and-take feels more balanced and unconditional. If you’re the one who’s keeping that scorecard, dig down to the emotional impulse behind that and do some inner healing. Maybe you’re not asking for what YOU want and need and, instead, are giving too much. This Leo new moon is a great time for self-examination around this.

Virgo season begins on August 23 and it’s time for a brief respite

You can slip under the radar for quieter pursuits starting August 23, when the Sun begins its annual monthlong sojourn through Virgo and your twelfth house of rest, healing and closure. Wrap up unfinished business before Libra season—and your birthday month!—begins on September 23. 

Virgo season is food for thought: Who do you need to forgive? What have you procrastinated on that’s still hanging over your head and how can you complete that project? Don’t shy away from delegating or asking for support. Also, don’t be surprised if you have vivid and at times anxious dreams or have trouble powering down at night. Turn off the backlit devices a couple hours before bedtime and wind down with a guided audio track, some gentle stretching or a book (print format, please).

And even more so because Mercury turns reclass="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" trograde from August 23 to September 15

You’ll really want to keep those boundaries firm this Virgo season. Starting August 23, Mercury nosedives into a signal-jamming retrograde until September 15, which can muck up technology, communication and transportation. (Yes, we know, Libra—this on top of Venus retrograde too?!)

Mercury will be retrograde in Virgo and your foggy twelfth house, potentially creating a minefield of confusion and passive-aggressive behavior. Trying to get a straight answer out of anyone could be an exercise in futility. During Mercury retrograde, your Libran patience will be a saving grace. Expect everyone and everything to run late. Phones and laptops can falter mysteriously and people wildly misunderstand one another. 

Retrogrades ARE good for resolving issues from the past and reconnecting. With Mercury reversing through your twelfth house of closure, you’ll especially enjoy nostalgic trips down memory lane. Look through old photos, visit elderly relatives or dust off a hobby, like playing an instrument or crafting. 

If you have some forgiveness work to do, this is a good time to process painful emotions that you’ve kept bottled up for so long, possibly with the help of a therapist or healer. The twelfth house rules the subconscious, so don’t be surprised if your sleep is peppered with vivid dreams or visitations from departed loved ones.

Sun-Saturn opposition on August 27

On August 27, the annual Sun-Saturn opposition could be a day when everything feels a bit heavy or pessimistic. With the Sun in your foggy twelfth house and demanding Saturn in your perfectionistic sixth, you could be really hard on yourself! You might also feel like someone else isn’t cutting you a break you deserve. 

If your goals seem daunting or you’re struggling to stick to a plan, slow down. Trying to break an addictive pattern? This could be a cold-turkey day or a moment when you really need to reach out for support. Doing it alone doesn’t make you “stronger,” Libra. In fact, the Sun-Saturn face-off could starkly reveal where you need help from a mentor or seasoned expert.

Is someone in your inner circle exploiting your open-heartedness? Boundaries are healthy, Libra, and today’s opposition of the Sun and Saturn may inspire you to establish stronger emotional borders with people who always want more (and more…and more!). Don’t let the energy vampires drain your spirit. As for needy friends and relatives? Stop rushing in for the save. Encourage them to find their inner strength instead of leaning on you all the time. In the end, that’s the kindest thing for all parties.

Uranus turns retrograde in your intense eighth house on August 28

Changemaker Uranus turns retrograde for five months this August 28, back-spinning through Taurus and your eighth house of merging, intimacy and shared resources. The planet of disruption is shaking up this zone for the long haul—since March 6, 2019—and will continue to do so until April 26, 2026. During this time, you’re undergoing a slow but seismic change to everything from sex to relationships to the way you share power and money. 

Retrogrades can bring back people and unresolved issues from our past. Did you shut the door on an intense situation…or was it left it open a crack? With volatile Uranus in repose, you might reunite with a smoldering ex. There could be a sudden breakup, or a secret could come out into the open. Finances, especially joint ventures and real estate or legal matters, could become a source of stress and unpredictability. If you’ve glossed over important details or swept anything under the rug, Uranus retrograde could bring it all into the open to be dealt with. See it as a blessing, even if it happens suddenly and without warning.

Ultimately, by dealing with curveballs in a bold and honest way, you could break a suffocating pattern. If you don’t like the way things are going, speak up! Freedom is the goal here, Libra—and the only way you’ll find it is by voicing hoclass="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" w you truly feel.

The Pisces full supermoon on August 30 can boost your vitality

Lunar bonus moment! This August 30 features a rare second full moon, aka a blue moon, to close out the month. This one, also a supermoon, is in Pisces and your sixth house of health and order. Your well-being is in the spotlight, along with your day-to-day systems and affairs. Hello, back-to-school-efficiency tune-up!

Are you current on all of your checkups? Basic as it might sound, if you’re past due for a physical, book it now. You could be low on iron or another vital nutrient, for example. The sixth house rules gut health, and with the full moon here, it might be time for a detox or, if you want to go full-throttle, a colonic or a microbiome test. (Always check with your doctor first for anything you want to try.) Whatever the case, the Pisces full moon will make you acutely aware of what could feel off-balance, physically and emotionally.

The sixth house also rules helpful people, so this full moon is an ideal time to examine who’s on Team Libra and whether they’re pulling their weight. Delegate and outsource the stuff that’s got you overwhelmed. Conduct thorough due diligence on any service providers, checking references and reviews. Don’t gloss over red flags. With Mercury retrograde until September 15, it’s all the more essential that you take your time and ask ALL the vital questions.

August may not be one for the books in your love life, Libra. But luckily, you’re a sign that knows “the best things come to those who wait.” For most of this month, spicy Mars has the mute button on while in Virgo, and your ruling planet Venus is retrograde, a notoriously tricky time for relationships. This could bring back anything from a former flame to an old conflict with your partner.

From August 13 to 18, Venus is making its “inferior conjunction” with the Sun, meaning it will disappear from our view. This is THE window of opportunity to finally put old patterns to bed. And if you do, the August 22 Venus-Jupiter square could bring a much-needed breakthrough, particularly around intimacy. If you’re parting ways with someone, you may be able to figure out how to divide up any shared assets or get some healing guidance.

With impassioned Mars trundling through Virgo and your subterranean twelfth house all month (until August 27), you’ll have alternating jolts of fantasy and chemistry punctuated with a few intense emotional spikes. You may be simultaneously dreaming about a new love interest and mourning the ending of another affair. Is there an old wound you’re ready to “deal with and heal”? Everyone’s been hurt, but it’s when we fully process and release that we grow.

The good news: Mars will blaze into Libra from August 27 to October 12, snapping you out of this slump and bringing your magnetism and mojo roaring back. 

But there will still be more to release, and that could happen during Virgo season, which begins on August 23. Mercury, the planet of communication, promptly turns retrograde in Virgo from August 23 to September 15. Thought you did all the healing and dealing needed for closure? A few unresolved items could float up to the surface. Handle them with courage and compassion, and you’ll head into the second half of September—and Libra season—with a new lease on love.

Pace yourself this month, Libra. Your ruling planet Venus is retrograde until September 3, which means you’re not operating at full power. And not even your backup batteries are coming through! Motivator Mars, which would normally pitch in, happens to be languishing in Virgo and your restful twelfth house until August 27. 

The good news? This is a richly creative and imaginative month. Spend time on more “right-brained” activities or visualizing the prosperity you want to create. You’ll actually accomplish more by DOING less, as strange as that sounds. And when Mars moves into Libra from August 27 until October 12, you can majorly make up for lost time. It will all even out a couple months from now! So you might as well just take a moment to balance those famous scales.

The end of the month will definitely play a different planetary tune. On August 30, the Pisces full supermoon will beam into your sixth house of work, organization and helpful people. Book a day to go on a decluttering rampage and to get your systems, files and plans in order for back-to-school season.

With erratic Uranus turning retrograde in your eighth house of wealth from August 28 to January 27, don’t play fast-and-loose with your funds and be careful who you partner with. Chaotic people tend to be chaotic colleagues. You could get caught up in a swirl of disorder during a time that you really need to stay sharp. If you’re feeling spread too thin or scattered all over the place, this might be a good time to hire someone to help you get a handle on your budget, expenses and calendar.

Love Days: 1, 5

Money Days:12, 22

Luck Days: 10, 20

Off Days: 17, 8

See All Signs

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (a.k.a. The AstroTwins) are’s resident astrologers. They have written several astrology books, including Momstrology and Supercouple, and star as the astrological matchmakers for Prime Video’s Cosmic Love. The Eduts have read charts for celebrities the likes of Beyoncé, Karlie Kloss, and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books, and online courses, check out our horoscopes coverage or visit