First, let us issue an apology on behalf of the stars, Leo. This summer, your birthday season will be disrupted by a bit of cosmic chaos overhead. And while nothing can stand in the fierce Lion’s way when you want to celebrate, there may be a few obstacles to maneuver around if you want that joyful jubilee.
The first one is Venus, the goddess of love, harmony and attraction. This normally gracious planet had the nerve to turn retrograde in Leo from July 22 until September 3. (Ahem!) All August long, Venus will be stirring up friction and drama in relationships. And it’s not just romantic ties that this cosmic turnabout will impact! Venus retrograde can make family, friends and well, just about everyone, short on patience and kindness. (Whittle down that birthday party list to include the premium players only!)
Three other planets—Saturn, Neptune and Pluto—are also retrograde the whole month long. By the end of the month, there will be SIX retrograde planets. Right as Virgo season begins on August 23, communicator Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo, which could throw some tech and interpersonal static into your money sector until September 15. Then, on August 28, Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus and your career house for five months. Book a late summer vacay and escape the office if you can! (But make reservations early and check for a generous cancellation policy…because Mercury.)
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The greater message here is to slow down just a little. (We said a little, Leo, so don’t blame the messengers.) You may have some big life changes to process, and the retrograde pacing offers a window for you to integrate the new energy. Consider it the birthday gift you didn’t know you needed. It can be a blessing to finish the things you’ve started!
Now let’s get back to Venus for a minute. While she’s retrograde in your first house of selfhood, appearances and solo efforts, your Leo independence might need a touch of lion taming. Our suggestions? Don’t go stalking off into the wild all by yourself this month. Carefully and discerningly pick a couple of people as your cosmic companions for the journey of August—and go forth having each other’s backs with unshakeable loyalty. (Wondering who to draft for the Leo circle of trust? Think: the person you can have a fight with then bounce back and laugh about it an hour later.)
Another solid reason to partner up as a retrograde-proofing strategy? August features not one, but two, full moons—both of them supermoons — which will land in your committed relationship sectors.
The first, on August 1, is in Aquarius and your partnership zone, helping you work through some of the Venus retroclass="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" grade frustrations. The second, a Pisces blue moon on August 30, will illuminate your intimate eighth house of joint ventures, investments and mergers.
Those mighty allies who stand the test of high retrograde season will be revealed between these two full moons. It’s times like these that we need them most. Be sure to (effusively) share your appreciation for these people who have your back. There’s no such thing as “too much gratitude,” Leo!
Whether it’s a romantic relationship, a business deal or some other shared effort, your giant heart will be warmed by going through the experience with a loyal companion. And while you may not make things completely official until after mid-September, start negotiating everyone’s needs and finding solutions that satisfy both of you. It’s worth the extra effort to craft a dynamic duo that lasts!
It’s Leo season until August 23
With Leo season in full swing until August 23, it’s a time for renewed initiatives, fresh starts and focusing on your own projects (finally!). The Sun’s move into your sign energizes you, and after a sleepy four weeks, it’s a relief to feel your motivation and energy really start to rebound.
But direct your intentions (and attentions) with care, Leo. This year, harmonious Venus will be retrograde in Leo from July 22 to September 3. Before you plunge into anything new, you might need to do some life-editing first, weeding out the stuff that’s no longer a fit—from clothing to habits to relationship dynamics.
Toying with the idea of cutting curtain bangs or trying the shaggy mullet trend? Step away from those shears, Leo. While Venus is reversing through your first house of image and appearances, you’d be wise to avoid making any changes to your appearance. Start a Pinterest mood board of fun looks, but hold off until autumn to try anything permanent or hard to undo, grow back or reverse. This atypical Leo season is really more about doing inner work and, heck, even some shadow work around ego, perfectionism or body-image issues.
Self-love is an inside job, Leo. And if you’re willing to look at some of the not-so-pretty parts of the process, Venus retrograde in your sign can be a blessing in disguise. As you blow out the candles, you might opt for a quieter celebration with your true friends rather than a wild bash with a crew that you don’t really know well. At times like this, less truly is more.
The Aquarius full supermoon is on August 1
Talk about a mixed message! On August 1, the Aquarius full moon sweeps through your relationsclass="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" hips house and brings make-it-official vibes to all your closest ties. This potent supermoon tugs you in the opposite direction of Venus retrograde, stepping on the gas while Venus pumps the brakes.
What’s a Lion to do? Proceed with caution but don’t ignore the call of your closest friendships and partnerships. Leos who are ready to take that next big step could at least start talking about it. Then, make it officially official mid-September—after Venus retrograde is firmly in the rearview.
Have you been sweeping a potential deal breaker under the proverbial rug? If a duo is feeling less than dynamic and you’re ready to either address the lingering issues or move on, first get real about which parts of the connection are working and which ones need improvement. The key is to come from a balanced perspective and be willing to take responsibility for your side of any conflicts or breakdowns.
Aquarius is the sign of the future, the crafter of utopian worlds and collaborations that also honor people’s individuality. Keep that in mind and begin any tough talks by stating your ultimate objective (e.g., “My intent in having this conversation is that we both feel heard and respected”). Look back to the January 21 Aquarius new moon for clues about what could manifest.
The August 16 Leo new moon marks your personal new year
Happy Leo New Year! August 16, brings the year’s only Leo new moon—an additional fresh start that’s all about you and your desires. Where would you like to be six months from now? This new moon sets into motion a long, productive growth cycle that continues until the Leo full moon on January 25, 2024.
If you’ve been keeping a low profile with Venus retrograde in your sign, ask yourself: What’s the primary message you want to put out into the world? What are your most cherished personal goals and passion projects—and how can you prioritize them? Set clear intentions to have your talents recognized by the public. Hop up on a soapbox and let people know about a special cause that’s close to your heart. As a naturally captivating Leo, you’ll know just how to take the stage with dignity and flair.
Is work harshing your buzz or in some way stopping you from “doing you?” This year’s Leo new moon will form an exact 90-degree square to disruptive Uranus in your career zone. You may need to jump in for a quick save, but knowing that this could happen, why not plan in advance? Anticipate any curveballs and prepare your support squad for backup all week.
Been stuck in an inspiration rut? Plan something that’s off youclass="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" r usual itinerary. The burst of novelty could help you soar over any plateau. This new moon is also making close contact with Lilith, the “dark moon” point. If you’ve been bottling up anger and frustration, this new moon-Lilith connection will restore your roar and help you start advocating for yourself.
Virgo season begins on August 23 and it’s time to get productive
Meticulous Virgo season kicks off on August 23, heating up your second house of work, money and values and setting off a grounded and pleasurable four-week phase. Brush away the birthday cake crumbs and set up shop. It’s time to take one of those grand Leo season ideas and start plans to build it into something tangible.
Between now and September 23, you’ll be productive and eager to settle into a new routine, like healthy eating, daily meditation or regular workouts. Create a framework for your day-to-day life and welcome whatever gives you a sense of security—whether it’s more money, accolades, helpful allies or a supportive partner.
But…Mercury turns retrograde from Auclass="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" gust 23 to September 15
As quickly as you start, there could be speed bumps because Mercury—planet of communication, technology and transportation—turns retrograde in Virgo on August 23 (until September 15). Watch for misunderstandings with clients and co-workers, budget snafus and computer crashes at the job.
We know, Leo, we know—this on top of Venus’ ongoing retrograde in your sign! How much more can one Lion take? We promise you’ll come out of this stronger. Just take precautions by backing up your data to the cloud and deleting any questionable emails, especially ones sent on the company server.
During Mercury retrogrades, it’s more important than ever to not put all your eggs in one basket.
A promising financial lead or a key meeting could be delayed. Use this window to tighten up your presentation and look for other options. Something even better is likely to come along if this one falls through. Persevere…by the second half of September, all of this should start to make sense.
Sun-Saturn opposition on August 27
Where do you need to evolve? On August 27, the annual Saturn-Sun opposition puts you in the mindset for metamorphosis. Don’t ignore those deep-seated issues and annoying stumbling blocks. This is your cosmic cue to confront them head-on.
It takes courage to make big adjustments—just focus on the first step. The Sun-Saturn face-off can bring a wave of pessimism, causing you to (wrongly!) second-guess whether you’ve got what it takes. Newsflash: You do! But today, you just might forget for a minute. Your life will blossom in beautiful ways if you can open your heart to transformation.
Uranus turns retrograde in your career house on August 28
Time to switch gears? Changemaker Uranus will turn retrograde (backward) in Taurus and your tenth house of career, making a five-month pivot. Your professional path could take a detour between now and January 27, 2024.
Have you been steadily working toward your target? Brace yourself, Leo: A goal you’ve been working on achieving may hit a speed bump or experience an unexpected delay. You may opt to go back to the drawing board to tighten up your pitch and plans. While it’s annoying, this retrograde slowdown could actually be a welcome opportunity to integrate everything that’s been shaken and stirred so far this year. Since May 16, expansive Jupiter has also been in Taurus, bringing a LOT of new opportunities for leadership and career exploration. This might be the more mellow pace you didn’t realize you needed.
Use this time to experiment and explore your options. If need be, take on a freelance or consulting project to cover your costs. You might enroll in a workshop to enhance your skills, especially when it comes to technology or management. Why not develop new competencies in these important areas now?
Liberator Uranus can free you from any structure that feels repressive or confining to your soul. It’s time to drop the accommodating “nice person” mask and unleash the fierce force of nature within you! The tenth house also rules fathers and men. Your relationship with your dad or an important guy could also be undergoing a revolution. Step into your own authority, Leo. Progressive Uranus rewards you for marching to your own beat rather than trying to please others.
The Pisces full supermoon on August 30 spotlights intimacy and investments
Two-for-one lunar special anyone? This August 30 features a rare bonus full moon, aka a blue moon. This second full supermoon lands in Pisces and your focused eighth house of intimacy, merging and detailed work. All the more reason to take a sharp-eyed look at the finer points instead of just getting swept up in the moment.
Despite Venus still being retrograde, the Pisces full moon illuminates your closest ties and asks you to consider which ones can go the distance. (Thanks to Venus, you may already be well into thinking that topic over!) Is there a requisite amount of trust and an equitable investment of time, energy or money? If one of you is pulling more energetic weight than the other, the full moon will demand that you address that.
Have you been considering a joint venture or a binding relationship? This extreme full moon could find you either all the way in…or totally out. An engagement, pregnancy or permanent partnership move is possible now. You might also decide to make a big investment, perhaps buying or selling property or building your portfolio. The illuminating full moon helps you inspect any important technicalities you may have overlooked before you cross the point of no return!
We don’t need to say it with skywriting at this point: Love planet Venus is retrograde (backward) in Leo all month, and it’s kind of messing up your groove. This six-week cycle happens every 18 months (this year Venus is retrograde from July 22 to September 3). But it only sweeps through YOUR sign every eight years.
The last time you hosted Venus retrograde was summer 2015. If you can remember what was happening in your personal life then, you might see similar themes resurface. But how about writing a different ending to that story? If things didn’t turn out as hoped, Venus retrograde can shepherd you to a new romantic chapter.
A lot of the transformation happens in the second part of the month. First, from August 13 to 18, Venus makes its “inferior conjunction” with the Sun, meaning it will disappear from our view. This is THE window of opportunity to finally put old patterns to bed. And if you do, the August 22 Venus-Jupiter square can be a moment to free yourself from anything limiting or confining.
With ardent Mars firing up the earthy Virgo energy of your sensual second house until August 27, your new favorite word will be “upgrade.” Anything luxe, sophisticated or opulent will get your full attention! In this zone, Mars can help you raise your bottom line, which in turn is all about enhancing your lifestyle—and sharing the wealth with your favorite plus-one!
But keep at least one eye on your savings balance. While it’s nice to live large, if it sends you deep into debt, that’s NOT so good. Mars can ratchet up tension around shared expenses, and couples could find themselves bickering over money—truly the petty stuff.
Consolation prize: When Venus turns direct (forward) on September 3, it will remain in your sign until October 8. That means you’ll get a little more than a month to make up for lost romantic time. It won’t be summer, but with Venus in your corner, you’ll find a way to keep the temperatures hot!
Money can be a source of excitement and stress this month. Energizer Mars is making its biannual visit to Virgo until August 27. While hosting Mars in your fiscal second house CAN add money stress (think: long hours and short deadlines), you’re also extra motivated to make financially savvy moves. Get your hustle on, Leo, and the results will make it worth your while. If you’re pursuing a job change, Mars will give you the confidence and charisma to pitch yourself boldly.
On August 28, changemaker Uranus will turn retrograde in Taurus and your tenth house of career, a slowdown that will last until January 27. On the one hand, this could bring more stability and fewer surprises, so if you’re looking for that, you’ll probably welcome this five-month phase. But if you’ve been trying to force an outcome with a professional goal or project, Uranus retrograde could divert you to a slower lane. Annoying as it feels, this could be a blessing in disguise, allowing you to experiment with other approaches and possibilities.
When the August 30 Pisces full supermoon beams into your eighth house of investments, you could make a savvy move—no matter how big or small—toward long-term security and solvency. If you’re home-hunting, these moonbeams could help you score a sweet real estate deal.
Love Days: 24, 1
Money Days: 8, 17
Luck Days: 5, 16
Off Days: 12, 26, 30
Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (a.k.a. The AstroTwins) are’s resident astrologers. They have written several astrology books, including Momstrology and Supercouple, and star as the astrological matchmakers for Prime Video’s Cosmic Love. The Eduts have read charts for celebrities the likes of Beyoncé, Karlie Kloss, and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books, and online courses, check out our horoscopes coverage or visit