WEEK OF August 7 - 1 3, 2023

Have you been working hard to suppress your feelings, and like a beachball that can’t be held under water indefinitely, they’re about to come flying out? Your cerebral sign isn’t one to wallow in the emotion ocean. In fact, you often forget about triggering events soon after they happen! But under a provocative square between the egoistic Leo Sun in your communication court and disruptive Uranus in your subliminal twelfth house on Wednesday, August 9, your usual easy breeziness might turn into a raging tempest. (Yikes!) Those feels need to come flooding out, Twin. The longer you hold them in, the more overwhelming they’ll become. And with Uranus pushing your buttons, it won’t be easy to keep your cool. You can either wait for the last straw that causes this pressure cooker to explode or you can try to head trouble off at the pass. Resolve to take action that does the job of a release valve letting out steam (today, if possible). Vent to a close friend, pour your heart out in your journal or write an email that you have no intention of sending. Make sure not to fill in the address; that way it will never accidentally (on purpose?) leave your drafts folder. And if none of those options do the trick, a cardio sesh or power-yoga class will help you sweat out those emotions.

You could feel bold enough to voice your opposing viewpoint this week, but if consensus or compromise mean anything to you, you should think twice about preaching to people. Tactful Venus has been retrograde in your third house of communication since July 22, adding more sting to your slings. The helpful advice you THINK you’re offering could hit a sensitive nerve. Read the room before you get up on your soapbox, even if you’re touching on important issues like sustainability or veganism. We’re not suggesting that you stifle your opinion. You have valid, potentially game-changing knowledge to share. But take a few moments to set others at ease. The point is to open up a dialogue rather than alienate them with a scolding lecture.

With the confident Sun moving into an exact alignment with Venus retrograde this weekend, you might have an aha moment. This inferior conjunction occurs once every 18 months when the planet of harmony goes dark for several days while shifting from an evening star to a morning star. Until Venus reappears at dawn on August 18, here’s your assignment: Go within and reflect. Try contemplating other perspectives, even if they don’t make sense to you. Put yourself in the mindset of your supposed opponents. They seem to think their POV is “right,” just as you think yours is. Why might that be? Do what you do best, Gemini…get curious!

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After Venus pivots direct on September 3, you’ll see the powerful point of this exercise. Where you ran into a roadblock in the past, now you’ll spot paths to compromise. And, although this could be a bitter pill for your clever sign to swallow, is it possible that you’re not seeing the whole picture clearly? Or even your little piece of the puzzle? Just because you’re convinced of something doesn’t mean it’s true. Might does not make right. It’s not a contest of wills, so before you open your mouth, pause and shift your focus to your highest goals. Then consider the potential consequences (unintended and undesired!) of a no-filters diatribe. 

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (a.k.a. The AstroTwins) are ELLE.com’s resident astrologers. They have written several astrology books, including Momstrology and Supercouple, and star as the astrological matchmakers for Prime Video’s Cosmic Love. The Eduts have read charts for celebrities the likes of Beyoncé, Karlie Kloss, and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books, and online courses, check out our horoscopes coverage or visit astrostyle.com.