Apple hosted its big iPhone event today, where it announced three new iPhone models (the iPhone Xs, Xs Mac, and XR), as well as a new iOS 12 upgrade that will fundamentally change the phone of everyone has an iPhone 5S and up (or iPad) and should be out in the very near future.

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What's changing? For one, your device will start shaming you for spending too much time on it...but only if you want it to. The new Screentime feature will let you see exactly how much time you're wasting spending on your phone every day.

As Buzzfeed recapped it, you'll also be able to set the amount of time you want to use certain apps (like Instagram) and get reminders from your phone when your time is about up.

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Mobile phone, Portable communications device, Gadget, Communication Device, Smartphone, Iphone, Text, Electronic device, Product, Technology, pinterest icon

You'll also be able to create Memojis—"a more personal form of Animoji," as Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering described it—that look exactly like you and whoever else you want. The move is more or less the Apple version of Bitmoji.

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Facial expression, Mobile phone case, Mobile phone accessories, Iphone, Technology, Electronic device, Gadget, Mobile phone, Communication Device, Smile, pinterest icon

You'll be able to talk to up to 32 people on Facetime at a time:

Mobile phone case, Gadget, Communication Device, Iphone, Product, Electronics, Electronic device, Technology, Glasses, Mobile phone accessories, pinterest icon

And the photo search has been enhanced among other things:

Product, Communication Device, Gadget, Mobile phone, Portable communications device, Technology, Electronic device, Smartphone, Mobile device, Website, pinterest icon

Read all the details on the new iOS 12 features here on Apple's site.

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Alyssa Bailey
Senior News and Strategy Editor

Alyssa Bailey is the senior news and strategy editor at, where she oversees coverage of celebrities and royals (particularly Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton). She previously held positions at InStyle and Cosmopolitan. When she's not working, she loves running around Central Park, making people take #ootd pics of her, and exploring New York City.